A lifestyle blog for the adventurous gypsy spirit- Dallas, Texas.

Monday, January 20, 2014

DIY: Vintage Doily Dreamcatchers

Supplies needed:

  • Vintage doily- any color, shape or size!
  • Embroidery hoop- circumference needs to fit your doily
  • Metal rings/thread- attach doily to embroidery loop
  • Pliers/sewing needle- depending on your choice method of attaching the doily to the embroidery loop
  • Ribbons, beads, feathers- your choice of what you attach to hang from your dreamcatcher

  1. Start by attaching your doily to the embroidery loop. With this dreamcatcher we used metal rings and pliers- 
  2. To create the feather strands you can either attach them to ribbon, lace, or thread by metal clamp and loop pieces (found at a crafting or jewelry supply store), or sewing the feathers on. 
  3. Attach the ribbon, lace, beaded strands, feathers, and whatever you would like to the embroidery loop. You can either loop and knot them to the embroidery loop or simply knot them depending on desired look. 
  • Be creative! Use beads, charms, different ribbon and lace widths and lengths, leather or suede!
The finished product:

Other handmade doily dreamcatchers we've made: 

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